In which Miss Molly decides she don’t need no man.

You all know how much I adore comic books and graphic novels and superheroes…but did you also know how, just sometimes, the whole superheroes being primarily men thing bothers me? Yes, there are strong women, but all too often they aren’t the main focus, or they team up with male heroes. I’m all for teamwork. […]

In which Miss Molly gets interactive.

Happy 2015 library lovers! I hope the start of your new year has been wonderful. I thought I would start off with the first post of the year by talking about something near and dear to my heart; something that makes reading with your child, you niece/nephew/neighbor kid, or whoever you read children’s books with. […]

In which Miss Molly discovers the Nutmeg formula.

Ahhhh, Summer Reading. That little program, and the corresponding questions, designed to keep a kid’s brain sharp over the summer holidays. It’s handed out with the best of intentions, mean to keep the child engaged and thinking throughout the summer, get them excited about the next year of school, and to combat the information leakage […]